Making Your Appointment
Our office hours are:
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Monday - Friday
Appointments can be scheduled for all locations by calling any of our offices. We try very hard to stay on schedule, and know that your time is extremely valuable. However, emergencies do arise unexpectedly. If we are delayed, or if we need to reschedule your appointment, we will notify you in advance. We appreciate your understanding and patience.
Your First Appointment
We will begin a permanent record on your first visit. We ask that you arrive 10 minutes early, so that you have time to complete the necessary forms. Please bring your insurance ID card, insurance referral forms or DSHS coupon with you. If we sent you medical history forms, please also bring the completed forms.
To allow us to perform a comprehensive consultation, we will need to have all pertinent x-rays, CAT scans, and MRI scans available for review. We will also need copies of EMG reports, consultations, and records from your referring doctor. At the time that you make your appointment, the receptionist will explain how to have this information available at your visit. Please bring all of your x-rays, scans and reports with you to your appointment. After your visit, we will report promptly to your referring and family doctors.
Canceling an Appointment
If you are going to be late for an appointment, or need to reschedule, please call as soon as possible. This courtesy allows us to be available to other patients who may be waiting for appointments.
Telephone Calls
We encourage you to call during regular office hours if you have any questions or concerns about your condition or treatment.
We have chosen colleagues who handle problems and communicate back to us when Dr. Nehls or Dr. Mohit are not available. For emergencies, a neurosurgeon is always available, 24 hours a day, by calling the Tacoma office number: (253) 426-4420.
Because we cannot handle all problems over the telephone, it may be necessary for you to return for a reexamination in the office.
Your medical record is private; we will not give out information to anyone without your permission, except as required by law.
Fees and Insurance
We participate in most third party payment plans, and file claims with these companies. We will bill Medicare, and accept assignment. We appreciate payment for your portion at the time services are rendered. You may use your check, Master Card, or VISA. If you need to arrange a payment plan, or have any questions about insurance matters, our bookkeeper will gladly assist you.